
Veterans’ Families and Friends

Focus on providing direction and discipline to those veterans who need assistance with navigating their return to a healthy civilian life, primarily in Southern California.

Guide veterans towards proper medical resources for any service-related physical and mental injuries.

Work with local businesses and government officials to assist with a smooth return to civilian life.

Support other organizations that assist veterans with receiving the benefits they have earned.

"I wanted to say Cloverlane Foundation you gave me hope for life. I promise you I will not fail this opportunity you gave me to have a new life in peace and hope."
Elizabeth Tyler
Youth Sports

Leg Up

Provide support for sport activities to benefit children with disabilities.

"Thank you Cloverlane Foundation, for providing me this scholarship. I am loving my classes, and especially my automotive ones, they have taught me a great deal already, that has helped me at my job. I plan on using this money for tools in my upcoming classes for automotive, thank you again."
a recent Hemet Unified School District graduate
"Thank you so much for supporting my education another year! It truly means a lot to me. Please extend gratitude to all of Cloverlane Foundation!"
a recent Hemet Unified School District graduate

Animals & Wildlife

Funds individually selected veterinarian cases for medical treatment, spay/neuter, etc. Support other organizations that care for wild and domestic animals.

“Two wonderful senior German Shepherds and an elderly local man in poor health owe a great debt of gratitude to the Cloverlane Foundation. After the dogs' owner lost his husband, his home, and his health in just a few months, the final heartbreaking blow was having to relinquish his precious sibling dogs he had raised from puppies. When their foster family could no longer keep them, the Cloverlane Foundation came to the rescue with a generous boarding donation which bought them enough time to find their way to a good home with a caring man in Atascadero who adopted them together. This kind of donation at a critical juncture saves lives and helped find a happy ending for everyone in this tough situation. Thank you, Cloverlane Foundation."
Day Yeager
"The Cloverlane Foundation has supported Volunteers for Inter-Valley Animals, Inc (VIVA) for over twenty years. Our organization received our 501(c)3 in 1982 and in those early years we really struggled to find the funds to feed and care for the animals in our community. The Cloverlane Foundation has responded to our many pleas for help when we had no funds to help the animals. We still use a beautiful cage unit which the Cloverlane Foundation donated to us so we could care for kittens. This cage has saved the lives of many mom cats and kittens."