George and Silvie Pierce Qualify for TEAM USA Winter Duathlon Championships in 2025!

George Pierce, World Champion duathlet and founder of Pierce Footwear and his wife Silvie Pierce, competed in the Breckebeiner National Winter Duathlon Championships. This three-day event features men and women in various age brackets competing in running and skat skiing. Both took home wins, with Silvie placing second in running and eighth in skiing and George taking home the title of 2024 National Winter Duathlon Champion. They also qualified for TEAM USA Winter Duathlon Championships in 2025.

In George’s words, “This was Silvie’s first duathlon and she was 2nd in her Age Group (50-54) at the Breckebeiner National Winter Duathlon Championships. The elevation in Breckenridge was 8500 feet and it was cold, snowing, and hilly. She was 13th out of 35 total men and women competitors and the distance was 3k run and 6k skate skiing. She qualified for the TEAM USA 2025 Winter Duathlon championships held in Europe. The next day she raced a 15k skate ski in a field of 13 people and was 8th, beating me by 22 minutes! I am your new 2024 National Winter Duathlon Champion (age group 65-69) and was the oldest person in the race! The distance was double of what Silvie did: 6k run and 10k skate ski. I also qualified for the 2025 TEAM USA World Winter Duathlon Championships. I also raced the 15k skate ski and was top three men overall. There were only 3 men, so I was lucky!”

Cloverlane foundation has sponsored George Pierce throughout the last few years in his athletic career and is continuously in awe of his determination and grit.

Congratulations George and Silvie Pierce!

Pierce footwear is the official shoe of Cloverlane Foundation.

This article was written by Kristina Chase, Writer, Cloverlane Foundation